Heather Griffin


Designed to generate demand as part of the account lifecycle

Asia Brochure: Corbis Images

Role: Designer

Large format marketing brochure designed to highlight images available within Corbis Images' collection of global imagery

"BOMB IT" Investor Pitch Book: Jon Reiss Films

Role: Art director (design, production)

Designed to drive interest from potential investors. The book provided a full spectrum of business and creative information including artist bios, production plans, soundtrack information.

Identity System Guide: NTT Centerstance

Role: Design Consultant

Identity system and branding guidelines detail all applications of the NTT Centerstance look and feel to be applied across all materials including stationery, PowerPoint templates, Sell Sheets and Word documentation

Factoid Brochure: WireImage Stock

Role: Art director (design, production)

Multi-panel direct mail piece designed to highlight contemporary images images in the WireImage Stock collection

Sales Folder: OptumRx

Role: Senior Design Consultant

Folding sales leave behind collateral with specialized section dividers, disc insert and business card holder

Direct Mail Room offer: Rio Hotel & Casino

Role: Art director

Created as part of an overall rebranding guideline for a CMS effort by the Harrah’s Casinos group that would enable each of the their individual properties to create their own marketing materials from a pre-curated collection of deliverables